Get historical Open, High Low, Close (OHLC) and Average exchange rates for a given time period, ranging from 1 month to 1 minute, where available. Please read all the details before starting integration.

Values for 'high', 'low' and 'average' are based on all recorded prices we published (up to every 1 second).

OHLC requests are currently available for clients of our VIP Platinum tier.

The following parameters are available for OHLC requests:

app_id (required)

  • Your Open Exchange Rates App ID

start (required)

  • A full ISO 8601 formatted timestamp in UTC timezone, with any hour/minute and zero seconds.
  • Format: "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:00Z".
  • Example: &start=2017-07-17T08:30:00Z.
  • There are limitations to the start time, depending on the chosen period (see below).

period (required)

  • The requested time period for the OHLC data.
  • Allowed periods are: 1m, 5m, 15m, 30m, 1h, 12h, 1d, 1w, and 1mo.
  • Example: &period=30m.
  • There are limitations to the period, depending on the chosen 'start' time (see below).

base (optional)

  • Choose base currency for OHLC prices (default USD).
  • Example: &base=GBP

symbols (optional)

  • Limit the number of currencies returned. Recommended to reduce file size.
  • Example: &symbols=XAU,XAG,XPD,XPT

show_alternative (optional)

  • Include alternative, digital and black currency prices
  • Example: &show_alternative=true

prettyprint (optional)

  • Get a human-readable (whitespace formatted) response. Not recommended for production use.
  • Example: &prettyprint=true


The following restrictions apply to the combination of start_time and period:

  • start_time must always have zero seconds (i.e. "hh:mm:00") and must be on/after December 19th 2016.
  • The format for start_time must be ISO-8601 and limited to UTC (timezones are not currently supported) – i.e: "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:00Z".
  • Periods of 1m must not start more than 60 minutes ago (i.e. start_time should be within the past hour).
  • Periods of 5m must not start more than 24 hours ago, and must be aligned to a whole 5 minute period (e.g. 00, 05, 10, 15 etc.)
  • Periods of 15m must not start more than 24 hours ago, and must be aligned to a whole 15 minute period (i.e. 00, 15, 30, 45)
  • Periods of 30m or 60m/1h must not start more than 32 days ago, and must be aligned to a whole 30 minute period (i.e. 00 or 30)
  • Periods of 12h or 24h/1d must be aligned to whole 30 minute period (i.e. 00, 30)
  • Periods of 7d/1w must be aligned to the start of a whole calendar day (i.e. YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z)
  • Periods of 1mo must be aligned to the start of a whole calendar month (i.e. YYYY-MM-01T00:00:00Z)
  • The requested combination of start_time and period must not produce an end_time that is in the future (i.e. an incomplete period).



With a full list of currencies, OHLC responses can be very large in size. For better performance, use the symbols parameter to cut down response weight, and set prettyprint=false to remove whitespace.

API Response Format

The OHLC endpoint response format is similar to the standard API response in latest.json. Please familiarise yourself with the standard API response format before using this endpoint.

The start_time is the ISO-8601 formatted timestamp (UTC) of the start of period, corresponding to the 'open' rate.

The end_time is the ISO-8601 formatted timestamp (UTC) of the end of period (inclusive), corresponding to the 'close' rate. (For example, a period of 60m would begin on hh:00:00 and end on hh:59:59).

The base property provides the 3-letter currency code to which all the delivered exchange rates are relative.

The rates object contains an object for each currency in the result set, labelled by its international-standard 3-letter currency code. Each object contains five values:

  • open – The midpoint rate recorded at start_time
  • high – The highest midpoint rate recorded at any time during the period
  • low – The lowest midpoint rate recorded at any time during the period
  • close – The midpoint rate recorded at end_time
  • average – The time-weighted average midpoint exchange rate for the entire period

All the values are relative to 1 unit of the requested base currency.


Please see API Error Messages for a list of possible errors not specified above.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!